DETCOM Program

The DETCOM Program (also "Det-Com," "Detcom"), along with the COMSAB (or "COMmunist SABotage") Program formed part of the "" (1946–1950) of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). As FBI historian Athan Theoharis described in 1978, "The FBI compiled other lists in addition to the Security Index. These include a "Comsab program" (concentrating on Communists with a potential for sabotage), and "Detcom program" (a "priority" list of individuals to be arrested), and a (individuals about whom investigation did not "reflect sufficient disloyal information" but whom the bureau deemed to be 'of interest ... '.")

DETCOM Program

The DETCOM Program (also "Det-Com," "Detcom"), along with the COMSAB (or "COMmunist SABotage") Program formed part of the "" (1946–1950) of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). As FBI historian Athan Theoharis described in 1978, "The FBI compiled other lists in addition to the Security Index. These include a "Comsab program" (concentrating on Communists with a potential for sabotage), and "Detcom program" (a "priority" list of individuals to be arrested), and a (individuals about whom investigation did not "reflect sufficient disloyal information" but whom the bureau deemed to be 'of interest ... '.")