Dadar (ritual tool)

The Dadar (Tibetan; Wylie: mda' dar), or arrow often though not always dressed with rainbow ribbon, is a teaching tool, ritual instrument symbol for Nyingmapa and Bonpo Dzogchenpa and is a particular attribute for Mandarava and Saraha. An aphorism "to shoot the arrow" of Jigme Lingpa is rendered into English by Gyatso (1998: p. 85); it refers: Simmer-Brown (2001: p. 359) asserts that linguistic devices, such as a pun, are common teaching tools in tantra and vajrayana and provides the following homonymic example:

Dadar (ritual tool)

The Dadar (Tibetan; Wylie: mda' dar), or arrow often though not always dressed with rainbow ribbon, is a teaching tool, ritual instrument symbol for Nyingmapa and Bonpo Dzogchenpa and is a particular attribute for Mandarava and Saraha. An aphorism "to shoot the arrow" of Jigme Lingpa is rendered into English by Gyatso (1998: p. 85); it refers: Simmer-Brown (2001: p. 359) asserts that linguistic devices, such as a pun, are common teaching tools in tantra and vajrayana and provides the following homonymic example: