Dampiera altissima

Dampiera altissima, commonly known as tall dampiera, is an erect perennial herb of the family Goodeniaceae native to Western Australia. Dampiera altissima is the tallest plant within its genus, Dampiera. The Government botanist of Victoria, Ferdinand von Mueller, collected the first recorded plant samples and wrote notes on the plant, which George Bentham published in the Flora Australiensis. Dampiera altissima is not commonly cultivated for any purposes but can sometimes be used as an ornamental plant. Its conservation status is classified as “not threatened”.

Dampiera altissima

Dampiera altissima, commonly known as tall dampiera, is an erect perennial herb of the family Goodeniaceae native to Western Australia. Dampiera altissima is the tallest plant within its genus, Dampiera. The Government botanist of Victoria, Ferdinand von Mueller, collected the first recorded plant samples and wrote notes on the plant, which George Bentham published in the Flora Australiensis. Dampiera altissima is not commonly cultivated for any purposes but can sometimes be used as an ornamental plant. Its conservation status is classified as “not threatened”.