Danger Boy

Danger Boy, created and written by Mark London Williams, is a young adult time travel series. Beginning in 2019, the series follows the time spanning adventures of twelve-year-old Eli Sands, the eponymous protagonist, and his companions: Clyne, a good-natured dinosaur from another planet who gathers information for a school assignment, and Thea, last librarian in Alexandria. Four books have so far been published. A fifth and presumably final book, "Fortune's Fool," has been finished, but due to publishing biz changes, has yet to be released.

Danger Boy

Danger Boy, created and written by Mark London Williams, is a young adult time travel series. Beginning in 2019, the series follows the time spanning adventures of twelve-year-old Eli Sands, the eponymous protagonist, and his companions: Clyne, a good-natured dinosaur from another planet who gathers information for a school assignment, and Thea, last librarian in Alexandria. Four books have so far been published. A fifth and presumably final book, "Fortune's Fool," has been finished, but due to publishing biz changes, has yet to be released.