Danny Sorenson

Daniel Sorenson is a fictional detective on the popular TV series, NYPD Blue, appearing from season six (1998) through season eight (2001). The character was played by actor Rick Schroder. Sorenson, a US Army Desert Storm veteran approximately 27 years old, was introduced in episode six of the sixth season as the 15th squad's replacement for the deceased Bobby Simone. He was partnered with Detective Andy Sipowicz. In childhood, Sorenson immigrated to the United States from Norway along with his younger sisters following the death of his father. They were raised by their aunt in Albany, New York, and he felt a lifelong sense of responsibility for their care. At first other officers tended to regard Sorenson as somewhat inexperienced, and often referenced his youthful appearance, but Sorenso

Danny Sorenson

Daniel Sorenson is a fictional detective on the popular TV series, NYPD Blue, appearing from season six (1998) through season eight (2001). The character was played by actor Rick Schroder. Sorenson, a US Army Desert Storm veteran approximately 27 years old, was introduced in episode six of the sixth season as the 15th squad's replacement for the deceased Bobby Simone. He was partnered with Detective Andy Sipowicz. In childhood, Sorenson immigrated to the United States from Norway along with his younger sisters following the death of his father. They were raised by their aunt in Albany, New York, and he felt a lifelong sense of responsibility for their care. At first other officers tended to regard Sorenson as somewhat inexperienced, and often referenced his youthful appearance, but Sorenso