Dariush Talai

Dariush Talai plays both the Tar and Setar. Born in 1953 in Iran, he studied Persian music with masters of the Radif. His teachers include Tar player Ali Akbar Shahnazi, with whom he studied radif and old compositions, as well as and , with whom he studied Setar and vocal techniques and repertories. Master Talai taught at the University of Tehran, University of Sorbonne-Paris, University of Washington-Seattle and was awarded a number of major prizes for his contribution to Persian Art Music. His collaboration with artists such as Maurice Béjart, Carolyn Carlson, Michel Portal.

Dariush Talai

Dariush Talai plays both the Tar and Setar. Born in 1953 in Iran, he studied Persian music with masters of the Radif. His teachers include Tar player Ali Akbar Shahnazi, with whom he studied radif and old compositions, as well as and , with whom he studied Setar and vocal techniques and repertories. Master Talai taught at the University of Tehran, University of Sorbonne-Paris, University of Washington-Seattle and was awarded a number of major prizes for his contribution to Persian Art Music. His collaboration with artists such as Maurice Béjart, Carolyn Carlson, Michel Portal.