Darwin Plateau

Darwin Plateau is a mostly circular, small plateau, about 0.75 mi to 1.25 miles in diameter surrounding the base of Mount Huethawali; the Huethawali prominence occupies about one quarter of the Darwin Plateau. South of the prominence, the Darwin Plateau borders Huethawali on the southwest, south, and southeast, with the southwest forming a saddle between Garnet Canyon (Upper Canyon, and the northeast of Drummond Plateau), the southwest terminus of the Grand Scenic Divide, and east, the saddle at the headwaters of the southwest terminus of Upper Bass Canyon (the location of the South Bass Trail).

Darwin Plateau

Darwin Plateau is a mostly circular, small plateau, about 0.75 mi to 1.25 miles in diameter surrounding the base of Mount Huethawali; the Huethawali prominence occupies about one quarter of the Darwin Plateau. South of the prominence, the Darwin Plateau borders Huethawali on the southwest, south, and southeast, with the southwest forming a saddle between Garnet Canyon (Upper Canyon, and the northeast of Drummond Plateau), the southwest terminus of the Grand Scenic Divide, and east, the saddle at the headwaters of the southwest terminus of Upper Bass Canyon (the location of the South Bass Trail).