David ben Aryeh Leib

Rabbi David ben Aryeh Leib of Lida (c. 1650 – 1696) wrote works of rabbinic literature, including Sefer Shomer Shabbat and books on the 613 Mitzvot, bris milah, the Shulchan Aruch, the Book of Ruth, and Jewish ethics (Divrei David, 1671). He was accused of Sabbateanism, not to mention plagiarism, but was absolved of wrongdoing by the Council of the Four Lands. He died in Lvov (Lemberg).

David ben Aryeh Leib

Rabbi David ben Aryeh Leib of Lida (c. 1650 – 1696) wrote works of rabbinic literature, including Sefer Shomer Shabbat and books on the 613 Mitzvot, bris milah, the Shulchan Aruch, the Book of Ruth, and Jewish ethics (Divrei David, 1671). He was accused of Sabbateanism, not to mention plagiarism, but was absolved of wrongdoing by the Council of the Four Lands. He died in Lvov (Lemberg).