Dawud ibn Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi

Dawud ibn Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi (Arabic: داود بن يزيد بن حاتم المهلبي‎) (died 820 or 821) was a provincial governor for the Abbasid dynasty in the late eighth and early ninth centuries. A member of the prominent Muhallabid family, he was briefly governor of the western provinces of Ifriqiyah (787 or 788) and Egypt (790-791), after which he was appointed to the eastern province of al-Sind (800), where he served for the remainder of his life.

Dawud ibn Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi

Dawud ibn Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi (Arabic: داود بن يزيد بن حاتم المهلبي‎) (died 820 or 821) was a provincial governor for the Abbasid dynasty in the late eighth and early ninth centuries. A member of the prominent Muhallabid family, he was briefly governor of the western provinces of Ifriqiyah (787 or 788) and Egypt (790-791), after which he was appointed to the eastern province of al-Sind (800), where he served for the remainder of his life.