Death Is Not a Joyride

Death Is Not a Joyride is an Austin, Texas-based experimental art rock three piece. Because of a diverse arrangement of instruments and tendency to explore different genres, the band has been described as having elements of post-rock, punk, goth, indie, trip hop and electronica. In addition to doing their first two tours in 2008, the band recently played at an official SXSW showcase and has played with several notable bands including Gang Gang Dance, The Dresden Dolls, Faun Fables, Titus Andronicus, Xiu Xiu, The Paper Chase, Carla Bozulich, Gram Rabbit and Mothfight.

Death Is Not a Joyride

Death Is Not a Joyride is an Austin, Texas-based experimental art rock three piece. Because of a diverse arrangement of instruments and tendency to explore different genres, the band has been described as having elements of post-rock, punk, goth, indie, trip hop and electronica. In addition to doing their first two tours in 2008, the band recently played at an official SXSW showcase and has played with several notable bands including Gang Gang Dance, The Dresden Dolls, Faun Fables, Titus Andronicus, Xiu Xiu, The Paper Chase, Carla Bozulich, Gram Rabbit and Mothfight.