Deborah Sinclair

Deborah Sinclair is a Canadian social worker who has specialized in working with women who are victims of intimate partner violence. She served as an expert witness in court cases where intimate partner violence has played a role. She has been working with victims of violence for over thirty years. In 2002, Sinclair gave several days of testimony before the inquest into the deaths of and , a murder-suicide. She noted that support for men at risk of abusing their partners was not available, unless they had already been charged with a violent crime.

Deborah Sinclair

Deborah Sinclair is a Canadian social worker who has specialized in working with women who are victims of intimate partner violence. She served as an expert witness in court cases where intimate partner violence has played a role. She has been working with victims of violence for over thirty years. In 2002, Sinclair gave several days of testimony before the inquest into the deaths of and , a murder-suicide. She noted that support for men at risk of abusing their partners was not available, unless they had already been charged with a violent crime.