
Destak is a Portuguese free daily newspaper that runs in Portugal and Brazil. In Portugal, it is distributed in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra, and also other Portuguese cities. In Brazil, it is distributed in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Campinas and Recife. It is the first free newspaper in Portugal (excluding some local publications, such as free university student journals), prior to the Portuguese edition of Metro International. The paper is chiefly offered at rail and subway stations, but also at cafeterias, universities, offices and hospitals. It has also an online newspaper.


Destak is a Portuguese free daily newspaper that runs in Portugal and Brazil. In Portugal, it is distributed in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra, and also other Portuguese cities. In Brazil, it is distributed in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Campinas and Recife. It is the first free newspaper in Portugal (excluding some local publications, such as free university student journals), prior to the Portuguese edition of Metro International. The paper is chiefly offered at rail and subway stations, but also at cafeterias, universities, offices and hospitals. It has also an online newspaper.