Development hell

Development hell, development purgatory, development limbo, or production hell, is a media industry jargon for a film, video game, album, television program, screenplay, software application, concept, or idea that remains in development for an especially long time, often moving between different crews, scripts, or studios before it progresses to production, if it ever does. Projects in development hell are not officially cancelled, but progress until development has reached a satisfying state ready for production.

Development hell

Development hell, development purgatory, development limbo, or production hell, is a media industry jargon for a film, video game, album, television program, screenplay, software application, concept, or idea that remains in development for an especially long time, often moving between different crews, scripts, or studios before it progresses to production, if it ever does. Projects in development hell are not officially cancelled, but progress until development has reached a satisfying state ready for production.