Devlet Bahçeli

Devlet Bahçeli (born 1 January 1948) is a Turkish politician, economist, former Deputy Prime Minister, and chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). He has been the leader of the MHP since the death of its founder Alparslan Türkeş in July 1997. Bahçeli is a major player in Turkey's current government. Since the 2018 general elections his party has supported Erdoğan's cabinet with confidence and supply in the Grand National Assembly. Bahçeli has been described as kingmaker in Turkish politics.

Devlet Bahçeli

Devlet Bahçeli (born 1 January 1948) is a Turkish politician, economist, former Deputy Prime Minister, and chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). He has been the leader of the MHP since the death of its founder Alparslan Türkeş in July 1997. Bahçeli is a major player in Turkey's current government. Since the 2018 general elections his party has supported Erdoğan's cabinet with confidence and supply in the Grand National Assembly. Bahçeli has been described as kingmaker in Turkish politics.