Devolution (band)

Devolution is an American-based industrial metal band, created by Mykill Mayhem. The first release from Devolution, entitled "Cerebrequiem", was in the genre of death metal and was released in 1996, featuring session musicians assembled from Mykill's previous band, Astaroth. Singer Larry Sapp (also a member of Brutality) performed vocals, and Tony Laureano (also a member of Malevolent Creation, Dimmu Borgir, and Angelcorpse, and several other death metal bands) recorded the drums for the CD. Another death metal album was written, but technical difficulties and Laureano's touring schedule with Nile prevented this album from being released.

Devolution (band)

Devolution is an American-based industrial metal band, created by Mykill Mayhem. The first release from Devolution, entitled "Cerebrequiem", was in the genre of death metal and was released in 1996, featuring session musicians assembled from Mykill's previous band, Astaroth. Singer Larry Sapp (also a member of Brutality) performed vocals, and Tony Laureano (also a member of Malevolent Creation, Dimmu Borgir, and Angelcorpse, and several other death metal bands) recorded the drums for the CD. Another death metal album was written, but technical difficulties and Laureano's touring schedule with Nile prevented this album from being released.