Dialogue de l'ombre double

Dialogue de l'ombre double (Dialogue of the double shadow) is a mixed work by Pierre Boulez for clarinet and electroacoustic device composed in 1985. The play is dedicated to Luciano Berio for his sixtieth birthday. There exists a version for bassoon, for saxophone, for transverse flute and for recorder, each made by the performer themself. The performance lasts about 15 to 20 minutes.

Dialogue de l'ombre double

Dialogue de l'ombre double (Dialogue of the double shadow) is a mixed work by Pierre Boulez for clarinet and electroacoustic device composed in 1985. The play is dedicated to Luciano Berio for his sixtieth birthday. There exists a version for bassoon, for saxophone, for transverse flute and for recorder, each made by the performer themself. The performance lasts about 15 to 20 minutes.