Dick Bates

Charles Richard Bates (born October 7, 1945) is an American former Major League Baseball right-handed pitcher. He graduated from McArthur (OH) High School now Vinton County High School and was signed by the Kansas City Athletics as an undrafted free agent before the 1964 season. After that, Bates also spent time in the Washington Senators organization, and was later drafted by the Seattle Pilots as the 30th pick in the 1968 expansion draft. (October 15, 1968)

Dick Bates

Charles Richard Bates (born October 7, 1945) is an American former Major League Baseball right-handed pitcher. He graduated from McArthur (OH) High School now Vinton County High School and was signed by the Kansas City Athletics as an undrafted free agent before the 1964 season. After that, Bates also spent time in the Washington Senators organization, and was later drafted by the Seattle Pilots as the 30th pick in the 1968 expansion draft. (October 15, 1968)