Dick Longshore

Richard "Dick" E. Longshore (born March 21, 1926 in Arkansas City, Kansas - died June 8, 1988 in Sacramento, California) was an American Navy veteran of World War II and both Korean and Vietnam Wars. He was also a California politician and a member of the Republican Party. From 1984 to 1986 he served as a member of the State Veterans' Board. By the time Longshore ran again in 1986, Robinson had decided to make what would turn out to be an unsuccessful run for Congress against then Rep. Bob Dornan (R-Santa Ana).

Dick Longshore

Richard "Dick" E. Longshore (born March 21, 1926 in Arkansas City, Kansas - died June 8, 1988 in Sacramento, California) was an American Navy veteran of World War II and both Korean and Vietnam Wars. He was also a California politician and a member of the Republican Party. From 1984 to 1986 he served as a member of the State Veterans' Board. By the time Longshore ran again in 1986, Robinson had decided to make what would turn out to be an unsuccessful run for Congress against then Rep. Bob Dornan (R-Santa Ana).