Dick de Groot

Theodore Cornelius de Groot (December 15, 1920 – July 20, 2019), better known as Dick de Groot, was a Dutch-American painter. He was born in Scheveningen, a beach suburb of The Hague in the Netherlands, in 1920. After the usual schooling that prepared him for the business world he decided to follow his old dream of being a painter. He studied five years at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and took post-graduate classes in sculpture. He died in July 2019 at the age of 98.

Dick de Groot

Theodore Cornelius de Groot (December 15, 1920 – July 20, 2019), better known as Dick de Groot, was a Dutch-American painter. He was born in Scheveningen, a beach suburb of The Hague in the Netherlands, in 1920. After the usual schooling that prepared him for the business world he decided to follow his old dream of being a painter. He studied five years at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and took post-graduate classes in sculpture. He died in July 2019 at the age of 98.