Ding Fubao

Ding Fubao (Chinese:丁福保; 22 June 1874 – 28 November 1952)was a medical doctor, and noted Chinese scholar, who worked on Buddhist subjects, known for his authoritative work, , which took 8 years to write and contained more than 30,000 entries; the Shuowen jiezi, and numismatics. Ding was a key figure in the world of Chinese numismatics, and was President of the China Numismatic Society (Zhongguo quanbi xueshe 中國泉幣學社) from 1940. He was also known as Ding Zhonggu 丁仲祜 and 丁仲估.

Ding Fubao

Ding Fubao (Chinese:丁福保; 22 June 1874 – 28 November 1952)was a medical doctor, and noted Chinese scholar, who worked on Buddhist subjects, known for his authoritative work, , which took 8 years to write and contained more than 30,000 entries; the Shuowen jiezi, and numismatics. Ding was a key figure in the world of Chinese numismatics, and was President of the China Numismatic Society (Zhongguo quanbi xueshe 中國泉幣學社) from 1940. He was also known as Ding Zhonggu 丁仲祜 and 丁仲估.