Dirk Graswinckel

Theodorus Johannes "Dirk" Graswinckel (1 October 1600 – 12 October 1666) was a Dutch jurist, a significant writer on the freedom of the seas. He was a controversialist, who also rose to a high legal position (Fiscal of Holland) where he advised Descartes. He was a cousin and pupil of Grotius. He was also a poet and translator of Thomas à Kempis.

Dirk Graswinckel

Theodorus Johannes "Dirk" Graswinckel (1 October 1600 – 12 October 1666) was a Dutch jurist, a significant writer on the freedom of the seas. He was a controversialist, who also rose to a high legal position (Fiscal of Holland) where he advised Descartes. He was a cousin and pupil of Grotius. He was also a poet and translator of Thomas à Kempis.