
Disinformation is false or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive. This is a subset of misinformation. The English word disinformation is from the application of the latin prefix dis- to information making the meaning "reversal or removal of information". The rarely used word had appeared with this usage in print at least as far back as 1887. Some consider it a loan translation of The Russian dezinformatsiya, derived from the title of a KGB black propaganda department. Joseph Stalin claimed he coined the term, giving it a French-sounding name to claim it had a Western origin. Russian use began with a "special disinformation office" in 1923. Disinformation was defined in Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1952) as "false information with the intention to deceive public opinio


Disinformation is false or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive. This is a subset of misinformation. The English word disinformation is from the application of the latin prefix dis- to information making the meaning "reversal or removal of information". The rarely used word had appeared with this usage in print at least as far back as 1887. Some consider it a loan translation of The Russian dezinformatsiya, derived from the title of a KGB black propaganda department. Joseph Stalin claimed he coined the term, giving it a French-sounding name to claim it had a Western origin. Russian use began with a "special disinformation office" in 1923. Disinformation was defined in Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1952) as "false information with the intention to deceive public opinio