Dobri Chintulov

Dobri Petrov Chintulov (Bulgarian: Добри Петров Чинтулов) (1822 – 27 March 1886) was a Bulgarian poet, teacher and composer of the Bulgarian National Revival period. Born in the town of Sliven (then in Ottoman Thrace, today in Bulgaria) in September 1822 to the family of a craftsman, Chintulov studied at the Greek school in his hometown. Due to a lack of funds, however, he was forced to drop out and move to Tarnovo, where he worked and visited the local class school in 1838 for around six months. From there he set off to Bucharest, Wallachia, where he studied for a year and a half. Receiving a scholarship from the Russian government, Chintulov moved to Odessa in the Russian Empire in 1840, assisted by his fellow townsman Dimitar Diamandiev, living in Brăila. After a stay of several months

Dobri Chintulov

Dobri Petrov Chintulov (Bulgarian: Добри Петров Чинтулов) (1822 – 27 March 1886) was a Bulgarian poet, teacher and composer of the Bulgarian National Revival period. Born in the town of Sliven (then in Ottoman Thrace, today in Bulgaria) in September 1822 to the family of a craftsman, Chintulov studied at the Greek school in his hometown. Due to a lack of funds, however, he was forced to drop out and move to Tarnovo, where he worked and visited the local class school in 1838 for around six months. From there he set off to Bucharest, Wallachia, where he studied for a year and a half. Receiving a scholarship from the Russian government, Chintulov moved to Odessa in the Russian Empire in 1840, assisted by his fellow townsman Dimitar Diamandiev, living in Brăila. After a stay of several months