Don Buck

Don Buck (real name Randoff Sanfrisco Figuero or Francisco Rodrigues Figueira) (died 1917) was a Portuguese immigrant in New Zealand in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He was known for working newly released prisoners as gum diggers and trading the gum for a profit. He is seen as a mixed figure; this is mostly because of the perceived conflict between his profiteering and his making use of criminals and ex-criminals.

Don Buck

Don Buck (real name Randoff Sanfrisco Figuero or Francisco Rodrigues Figueira) (died 1917) was a Portuguese immigrant in New Zealand in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He was known for working newly released prisoners as gum diggers and trading the gum for a profit. He is seen as a mixed figure; this is mostly because of the perceived conflict between his profiteering and his making use of criminals and ex-criminals.