Dr Milley's Hospital

Dr Milley's Hospital is an almshouse for women in Lichfield, United Kingdom. It was founded on property (situated in the town ditch) given by Bishop Heyworth in 1424 for the use of the poor. The land was given, it is believed, on condition that a red rose was given to the Bishop of Lichfield (if demanded) each year on St John Baptist's Day, 24 June. It is not known when this custom ceased but it was revived in 1987 and the Bishop is now invited that day to receive 10 red roses, one for each resident. It is run as a Charity by the Trustees.

Dr Milley's Hospital

Dr Milley's Hospital is an almshouse for women in Lichfield, United Kingdom. It was founded on property (situated in the town ditch) given by Bishop Heyworth in 1424 for the use of the poor. The land was given, it is believed, on condition that a red rose was given to the Bishop of Lichfield (if demanded) each year on St John Baptist's Day, 24 June. It is not known when this custom ceased but it was revived in 1987 and the Bishop is now invited that day to receive 10 red roses, one for each resident. It is run as a Charity by the Trustees.