Dream Builders

Dream Builders is an alternative education program in the city of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada. Dream Builders is an accredited school that allows students to enroll and work around their lives while maintaining an education. Some students are referred to Dream Builders, while some choose to attend the school freely. Dream Builders offers grades 6 through 9. The second part of the school is much like High School with grades 10 through 12. The school is open to people under the age of 21, but students who enroll at the age of 20 are permitted to attend the school until their education is complete.

Dream Builders

Dream Builders is an alternative education program in the city of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada. Dream Builders is an accredited school that allows students to enroll and work around their lives while maintaining an education. Some students are referred to Dream Builders, while some choose to attend the school freely. Dream Builders offers grades 6 through 9. The second part of the school is much like High School with grades 10 through 12. The school is open to people under the age of 21, but students who enroll at the age of 20 are permitted to attend the school until their education is complete.