Drug recall

A drug recall removes a prescription or over-the-counter drug from the market. Drug recalls in the United States are made by the FDA or the creators of the drug when certain criteria are met. When a drug recall is made, the drug is removed from the market and potential legal action can be taken depending on the severity of the drug recall. There are also and medical device safety alerts'. Market withdrawals occur when a product has a minor violation that does not require FDA legal action. occur when there are unreasonable safety risks associated with using a product.

Drug recall

A drug recall removes a prescription or over-the-counter drug from the market. Drug recalls in the United States are made by the FDA or the creators of the drug when certain criteria are met. When a drug recall is made, the drug is removed from the market and potential legal action can be taken depending on the severity of the drug recall. There are also and medical device safety alerts'. Market withdrawals occur when a product has a minor violation that does not require FDA legal action. occur when there are unreasonable safety risks associated with using a product.