
Duqu is a collection of computer malware discovered on 1 September 2011, thought to be related to the Stuxnet worm and to have been created by Unit 8200. Duqu has exploited MS Windows's zero-day vulnerability. The Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security (CrySyS Lab) of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary discovered the threat, analysed the malware, and wrote a 60-page report naming the threat Duqu. Duqu got its name from the prefix "~DQ" it gives to the names of files it creates.


Duqu is a collection of computer malware discovered on 1 September 2011, thought to be related to the Stuxnet worm and to have been created by Unit 8200. Duqu has exploited MS Windows's zero-day vulnerability. The Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security (CrySyS Lab) of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary discovered the threat, analysed the malware, and wrote a 60-page report naming the threat Duqu. Duqu got its name from the prefix "~DQ" it gives to the names of files it creates.