Dynamic data

In data management, the time scale of the data determines how it is processed and stored.Dynamic data or transactional data is information that is periodically updated, meaning it changes asynchronously over time as new information becomes available. Data that is not dynamic is considered either static (unchanging) or persistent, which is data that is infrequently accessed and not likely to be modified. Dynamic data is also different from streaming data, which is a constant flow of information. Dynamic data may be updated at any time, with periods of inactivity in between.

Dynamic data

In data management, the time scale of the data determines how it is processed and stored.Dynamic data or transactional data is information that is periodically updated, meaning it changes asynchronously over time as new information becomes available. Data that is not dynamic is considered either static (unchanging) or persistent, which is data that is infrequently accessed and not likely to be modified. Dynamic data is also different from streaming data, which is a constant flow of information. Dynamic data may be updated at any time, with periods of inactivity in between.