
Filon Dzhelaliy or Dzhulaibek was a Cossack colonel of Crimean Tatar descent who served during the Khmelnytsky Uprising of 1648-1657 and one of the close associates of Bohdan Khmelnitsky. He originally served in the Pereyaslav Cossack regiment. In April 1648, he with Cherkassy regiment centurion B. Tovpigoy led a revolt of the registered Cossacks at Kam'jana Zavod'. In September 1650, Dzhulaybek headed the Ukrainian Embassy to Moldova owner Vladimir Lupula. During the battle Berestetskiœ 1651, he was elected hetman of the Cossacks clerks. He was appointed captain-general of the Hetman.


Filon Dzhelaliy or Dzhulaibek was a Cossack colonel of Crimean Tatar descent who served during the Khmelnytsky Uprising of 1648-1657 and one of the close associates of Bohdan Khmelnitsky. He originally served in the Pereyaslav Cossack regiment. In April 1648, he with Cherkassy regiment centurion B. Tovpigoy led a revolt of the registered Cossacks at Kam'jana Zavod'. In September 1650, Dzhulaybek headed the Ukrainian Embassy to Moldova owner Vladimir Lupula. During the battle Berestetskiœ 1651, he was elected hetman of the Cossacks clerks. He was appointed captain-general of the Hetman.