E5 European long distance path

The E5 European long distance path or E5 path is one of the European long-distance paths from the French Atlantic coast in Brittany through Switzerland, Austria and Germany over the Alps to Venice in Italy. It is waymarked over the whole 3200 km (1988 mi) distance. The heaviest used section is the last part, which crosses Europe’s highest mountains from Lake Constance to Italy (600 km, around 30 days). Even this part does not require climbing experience.

E5 European long distance path

The E5 European long distance path or E5 path is one of the European long-distance paths from the French Atlantic coast in Brittany through Switzerland, Austria and Germany over the Alps to Venice in Italy. It is waymarked over the whole 3200 km (1988 mi) distance. The heaviest used section is the last part, which crosses Europe’s highest mountains from Lake Constance to Italy (600 km, around 30 days). Even this part does not require climbing experience.