Ed Updegraff

Edgar Rice Updegraff (born March 1, 1922) is an American amateur golfer and urologist. Updegraff was born in Boone, Iowa and descendant of the German Op den Graeff family. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from the Iowa State University and his medical degree from the University of Iowa. Unlike his father and brothers, who were otolaryngologists, Updegraff chose urology as a specialty. He eventually settled into practice in Tucson, Arizona in 1951, partially because of the opportunity to continue playing golf there.

Ed Updegraff

Edgar Rice Updegraff (born March 1, 1922) is an American amateur golfer and urologist. Updegraff was born in Boone, Iowa and descendant of the German Op den Graeff family. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from the Iowa State University and his medical degree from the University of Iowa. Unlike his father and brothers, who were otolaryngologists, Updegraff chose urology as a specialty. He eventually settled into practice in Tucson, Arizona in 1951, partially because of the opportunity to continue playing golf there.