Edmonton/Cooking Lake Airport

Edmonton/Cooking Lake Airport, (TC LID: CEZ3), is a registered aerodrome located 15 kilometers east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on the west shore of Cooking Lake, north of the hamlet of South Cooking Lake, Alberta, Canada. Cooking Lake Airport is the largest of two public airports located within Strathcona County and currently serves 87 per cent of the County's public aeronautical traffic.

Edmonton/Cooking Lake Airport

Edmonton/Cooking Lake Airport, (TC LID: CEZ3), is a registered aerodrome located 15 kilometers east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on the west shore of Cooking Lake, north of the hamlet of South Cooking Lake, Alberta, Canada. Cooking Lake Airport is the largest of two public airports located within Strathcona County and currently serves 87 per cent of the County's public aeronautical traffic.