Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen

Edwin Maria Katzenellenbogen (also spelled Katzen-Ellenbogen) was an American eugenicist and physician in the concentration camp of Buchenwald. Of Polish-Jewish extraction, he had become a naturalized U.S. citizen and worked as a eugenicist for the Carnegie Institution. In the 1930s he was in Germany, and ended up in Buchenwald where he collaborated with the Nazis as a doctor. He became known for his cruelty especially towards French communists. In the Buchenwald Camp Trial (part of the Dachau Trials) he was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment (later modified to 15 years of imprisonment).

Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen

Edwin Maria Katzenellenbogen (also spelled Katzen-Ellenbogen) was an American eugenicist and physician in the concentration camp of Buchenwald. Of Polish-Jewish extraction, he had become a naturalized U.S. citizen and worked as a eugenicist for the Carnegie Institution. In the 1930s he was in Germany, and ended up in Buchenwald where he collaborated with the Nazis as a doctor. He became known for his cruelty especially towards French communists. In the Buchenwald Camp Trial (part of the Dachau Trials) he was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment (later modified to 15 years of imprisonment).