Egyptian Expedition (1882)

The Egyptian Expedition, in mid-1882, was the United States' response to the British attack on Alexandria during the Anglo-Egyptian War. To protect American citizens and their property within the city, three United States Navy ships were sent to Egypt with orders to observe the conflict offshore and make a landing if necessary. Following the bombardment, a force of American marines and sailors were landed and they assisted in fire fighting and guarding the American consulate.

Egyptian Expedition (1882)

The Egyptian Expedition, in mid-1882, was the United States' response to the British attack on Alexandria during the Anglo-Egyptian War. To protect American citizens and their property within the city, three United States Navy ships were sent to Egypt with orders to observe the conflict offshore and make a landing if necessary. Following the bombardment, a force of American marines and sailors were landed and they assisted in fire fighting and guarding the American consulate.