El Capo

Marlon Moreno El Capo, commonly known as El Capo, is a television series made by Fox Telecolombia and written by Gustavo Bolivar for RCN Television, based on its namesake book. The series follows the story of the fictional drug lord Pedro Pablo León Jaramillo, a man who by necessity, chance and ambition has become the richest and most wanted drug trafficker in Colombia. Despite his immense wealth, Pedro Pablo has maintained a low profile over the course of his life and has kept his role as a drug cartel leader a secret from his friends and family. This strategy has allowed him to fly under the radar of the authorities for years, but has also inadvertently created a complex web of betrayals, loves and hates that grows beyond his control. As the truth is revealed, Pedro Pablo's world begins

El Capo

Marlon Moreno El Capo, commonly known as El Capo, is a television series made by Fox Telecolombia and written by Gustavo Bolivar for RCN Television, based on its namesake book. The series follows the story of the fictional drug lord Pedro Pablo León Jaramillo, a man who by necessity, chance and ambition has become the richest and most wanted drug trafficker in Colombia. Despite his immense wealth, Pedro Pablo has maintained a low profile over the course of his life and has kept his role as a drug cartel leader a secret from his friends and family. This strategy has allowed him to fly under the radar of the authorities for years, but has also inadvertently created a complex web of betrayals, loves and hates that grows beyond his control. As the truth is revealed, Pedro Pablo's world begins