El Pequeño Héroe y El Tesoro de la Luz

The Little Hero and the Treasure of Light (Spanish: El Pequeño Héroe y el Tesoro de la Luz), also simply known as The Little Hero (Spanish: El Pequeño Héroe), was an Uruguayan animated series produced by MTW Studios and broadcast by Canal 4 (Uruguay) in 2006 that reimagined José Artigas along with his friends during his childhood.

El Pequeño Héroe y El Tesoro de la Luz

The Little Hero and the Treasure of Light (Spanish: El Pequeño Héroe y el Tesoro de la Luz), also simply known as The Little Hero (Spanish: El Pequeño Héroe), was an Uruguayan animated series produced by MTW Studios and broadcast by Canal 4 (Uruguay) in 2006 that reimagined José Artigas along with his friends during his childhood.