El cristo feo

El cristo feo (Spanish: The ugly crucifix) is a novel by the Ecuadorian writer Alicia Yánez Cossío, published in Quito in 1995 by Abrapalabra. The plot of the novel follows Ordalisa, a domestic worker who one day hears an old wooden crucifix in her room speaking, and soon it becomes her companion and principal motivator for her to explore her creativity and own identity. The novel won the Joaquín Gallegos Lara Prize as the best Ecuadorian novel of the year and the Indigo Coté Femmes de París Prize. According to Yánez, the protagonist of the novel is a projection of herself.

El cristo feo

El cristo feo (Spanish: The ugly crucifix) is a novel by the Ecuadorian writer Alicia Yánez Cossío, published in Quito in 1995 by Abrapalabra. The plot of the novel follows Ordalisa, a domestic worker who one day hears an old wooden crucifix in her room speaking, and soon it becomes her companion and principal motivator for her to explore her creativity and own identity. The novel won the Joaquín Gallegos Lara Prize as the best Ecuadorian novel of the year and the Indigo Coté Femmes de París Prize. According to Yánez, the protagonist of the novel is a projection of herself.