Elijah Loans

Elijah ben Moses Ashkenazi Loans also known as Elijah Ba'al Shem of Virmyze (1555 – July 1636) was a German rabbi and Kabbalist. He was born in Frankfurt-am-Main. He belonged to the family of Rashi, on his mother's side was the grandson of Johanan Luria, and on his father's of Josel of Rosheim. After having studied in his native city under the direction of and , Loans went to Cracow, where he attended the lectures of . While there he prepared for publication the "Darke Mosheh" of Moses Isserles. At the beginning of the seventeenth century Loans was called to the rabbinate of Fulda, which he left in 1612, occupying successively the rabbinates of Hanau, Friedberg (1620), and Worms (1630), in which last-named city he remained until his death.

Elijah Loans

Elijah ben Moses Ashkenazi Loans also known as Elijah Ba'al Shem of Virmyze (1555 – July 1636) was a German rabbi and Kabbalist. He was born in Frankfurt-am-Main. He belonged to the family of Rashi, on his mother's side was the grandson of Johanan Luria, and on his father's of Josel of Rosheim. After having studied in his native city under the direction of and , Loans went to Cracow, where he attended the lectures of . While there he prepared for publication the "Darke Mosheh" of Moses Isserles. At the beginning of the seventeenth century Loans was called to the rabbinate of Fulda, which he left in 1612, occupying successively the rabbinates of Hanau, Friedberg (1620), and Worms (1630), in which last-named city he remained until his death.