Elisha Straight House

The Elisha Straight House, now the Hartford Museum, is located on Main Street in Hartford, New York, United States, a short distance north of NY 149. It is a red wooden house dating to the early 19th century. At the beginning of the Civil War it was used as a local recruitment center for the Union Army, since many local men wanted to serve due to strong abolitionist sentiment in the area. Today it is a local history museum. In 2004 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Elisha Straight House

The Elisha Straight House, now the Hartford Museum, is located on Main Street in Hartford, New York, United States, a short distance north of NY 149. It is a red wooden house dating to the early 19th century. At the beginning of the Civil War it was used as a local recruitment center for the Union Army, since many local men wanted to serve due to strong abolitionist sentiment in the area. Today it is a local history museum. In 2004 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.