Embattled (film)

Embattled is a 2020 American sports film starring Stephen Dorff as a reigning mixed martial arts fighter (largely styled after Conor McGregor) whose harsh and abusive nature brings him into conflict with his son, who he attempts to train. LA Times gave the film a great review, describing it as "an exciting, scrappy brawler" and "as a moving family drama, it's a contender." The film was written by David McKenna and directed by Nick Sarkisov and produced by Eryl Cochran. IFC Films acquired distribution rights to the film in July 2020.

Embattled (film)

Embattled is a 2020 American sports film starring Stephen Dorff as a reigning mixed martial arts fighter (largely styled after Conor McGregor) whose harsh and abusive nature brings him into conflict with his son, who he attempts to train. LA Times gave the film a great review, describing it as "an exciting, scrappy brawler" and "as a moving family drama, it's a contender." The film was written by David McKenna and directed by Nick Sarkisov and produced by Eryl Cochran. IFC Films acquired distribution rights to the film in July 2020.