Emilia Lanier

Emilia Lanier (also spelt Aemilia or Amelia Lanyer, 1569–1645), née Aemilia Bassano, was an English poet of Italian origin and the first woman to assert herself as a professional poet, through her volume Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Hail, God, King of the Jews, 1611). Attempts have been made to identify her with Shakespeare's "Dark Lady".

Emilia Lanier

Emilia Lanier (also spelt Aemilia or Amelia Lanyer, 1569–1645), née Aemilia Bassano, was an English poet of Italian origin and the first woman to assert herself as a professional poet, through her volume Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Hail, God, King of the Jews, 1611). Attempts have been made to identify her with Shakespeare's "Dark Lady".