Empire of Atlantium

The Empire of Atlantium is a micronation and secular,pluralist progressive lobby group based in New South Wales, Australia. Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Home-Made Nations described Atlantium in 2006 as "a refreshing antidote to the reactionary self-aggrandisement of so many micronations", and "an extremely sophisticated nation-state experiment, as well as an entirely serious claimant to legitimate statehood". The book's entry on Atlantium notes its espousal of "progressive, liberal policies" and characterises it as a "secular humanist utopia".

Empire of Atlantium

The Empire of Atlantium is a micronation and secular,pluralist progressive lobby group based in New South Wales, Australia. Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Home-Made Nations described Atlantium in 2006 as "a refreshing antidote to the reactionary self-aggrandisement of so many micronations", and "an extremely sophisticated nation-state experiment, as well as an entirely serious claimant to legitimate statehood". The book's entry on Atlantium notes its espousal of "progressive, liberal policies" and characterises it as a "secular humanist utopia".