Empress Ju (Xue Ju's wife)

Empress Ju (鞠皇后, personal name unknown) was an empress of the short-lived state of Qin at the end of the Chinese dynasty Sui Dynasty. Her husband was the state's founder Xue Ju (Emperor Wu). Little is known about her. When Xue Ju first rose against Sui rule in summer 617 and claimed the title of "Hegemonic Prince of Western Qin" (西秦霸王), there was no record of his creating her any titles. In fall 617, when Xue Ju claimed the title Emperor of Qin, he created her empress. It is not known whether his crown prince Xue Rengao or the only other son of his whose name was recorded in history, Xue Renyue (薛仁越), was her son or not.

Empress Ju (Xue Ju's wife)

Empress Ju (鞠皇后, personal name unknown) was an empress of the short-lived state of Qin at the end of the Chinese dynasty Sui Dynasty. Her husband was the state's founder Xue Ju (Emperor Wu). Little is known about her. When Xue Ju first rose against Sui rule in summer 617 and claimed the title of "Hegemonic Prince of Western Qin" (西秦霸王), there was no record of his creating her any titles. In fall 617, when Xue Ju claimed the title Emperor of Qin, he created her empress. It is not known whether his crown prince Xue Rengao or the only other son of his whose name was recorded in history, Xue Renyue (薛仁越), was her son or not.