Encirclement campaign against the Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet

The encirclement campaign against the Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet was a campaign launched by the Chinese Nationalist Government intended to destroy the communist Chinese Soviet Republic and its local military forces. It was met by the Communists' Counter-encirclement campaign at Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet (Chinese: 赣东北苏区反围剿), also called the Counter-encirclement campaign at Northeastern Jiangxi Revolutionary Base (Chinese: 赣东北革命根据地反围剿). The Nationalist campaign lasted from December 1930 to July 1931, and resulted in the destruction of the target base area.

Encirclement campaign against the Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet

The encirclement campaign against the Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet was a campaign launched by the Chinese Nationalist Government intended to destroy the communist Chinese Soviet Republic and its local military forces. It was met by the Communists' Counter-encirclement campaign at Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet (Chinese: 赣东北苏区反围剿), also called the Counter-encirclement campaign at Northeastern Jiangxi Revolutionary Base (Chinese: 赣东北革命根据地反围剿). The Nationalist campaign lasted from December 1930 to July 1931, and resulted in the destruction of the target base area.