Energy class

Energy class – also called energy class K or K-class , and denoted by K (from the Russian класс) – is a measure of the force or magnitude of local and regional earthquakes used in countries of the former Soviet Union, and Cuba and Mongolia. K is nominally the logarithm of seismic energy (in Joules) radiated by an earthquake, as expressed in the formula K = log ES. Values of K in the range of 12 to 15 correspond approximately to the range of 4.5 to 6 in other magnitude scales; a magnitude Mw 6.0 quake will register between 13 and 14.5 on various K-class scales.The energy class system was developed by seismologists of the Soviet Tadzhikskaya Complex [Interdisciplinary] Seismological Expedition established in the remote Garm (Tajikistan) region of Central Asia in 1954 after several devastatin

Energy class

Energy class – also called energy class K or K-class , and denoted by K (from the Russian класс) – is a measure of the force or magnitude of local and regional earthquakes used in countries of the former Soviet Union, and Cuba and Mongolia. K is nominally the logarithm of seismic energy (in Joules) radiated by an earthquake, as expressed in the formula K = log ES. Values of K in the range of 12 to 15 correspond approximately to the range of 4.5 to 6 in other magnitude scales; a magnitude Mw 6.0 quake will register between 13 and 14.5 on various K-class scales.The energy class system was developed by seismologists of the Soviet Tadzhikskaya Complex [Interdisciplinary] Seismological Expedition established in the remote Garm (Tajikistan) region of Central Asia in 1954 after several devastatin