English Channel migrant crossings (2018–present)

Refugees and migrants have been entering the United Kingdom by crossing the English Channel for centuries; since November 2018, the number has grown and some have referred to this growth as a "crisis". The total number of migrants arriving by this route during 2018 was 297. In 2019 and 2020 the numbers grew significantly, and by September 2020 an estimated total of 7,500 had entered Britain by this route. Many arrive in small boats and may enter the country unnoticed, whilst others are apprehended on landing or are rescued when their craft founders off shore. The British government says criminal gangs arrange many of the crossings.

English Channel migrant crossings (2018–present)

Refugees and migrants have been entering the United Kingdom by crossing the English Channel for centuries; since November 2018, the number has grown and some have referred to this growth as a "crisis". The total number of migrants arriving by this route during 2018 was 297. In 2019 and 2020 the numbers grew significantly, and by September 2020 an estimated total of 7,500 had entered Britain by this route. Many arrive in small boats and may enter the country unnoticed, whilst others are apprehended on landing or are rescued when their craft founders off shore. The British government says criminal gangs arrange many of the crossings.