Enterprise Mashup Markup Language

EMML, or Enterprise Mashup Markup Language, is an XML markup language for creating enterprise mashups, which are software applications that consume and mash data from variety of sources, often performing logical or mathematical operations as well as presenting data. Mashed data produced by enterprise mashups are presented in graphical user interfaces as mashlets, widgets, or gadgets. EMML can also be considered a declarative mashup domain-specific language (DSL). A mashup DSL eliminates the need for complex, time-consuming, and repeatable procedural programming logic to create enterprise mashups. EMML also provides a declarative language for creating visual tools for enterprise mashups.

Enterprise Mashup Markup Language

EMML, or Enterprise Mashup Markup Language, is an XML markup language for creating enterprise mashups, which are software applications that consume and mash data from variety of sources, often performing logical or mathematical operations as well as presenting data. Mashed data produced by enterprise mashups are presented in graphical user interfaces as mashlets, widgets, or gadgets. EMML can also be considered a declarative mashup domain-specific language (DSL). A mashup DSL eliminates the need for complex, time-consuming, and repeatable procedural programming logic to create enterprise mashups. EMML also provides a declarative language for creating visual tools for enterprise mashups.