Enumeration reducibility

In computablity theory and computational complexity theory, enumeration reducibility is a method of reduction that determines if there is some effective procedure for determining enumerability between sets of natural numbers. An enumeration in the context of e-reducibility is a listing of the elements in a particular set, or collection of items, though not necessarily ordered or complete. According to Hartley Rogers Jr., an intuitive model that can be used to explain e-reducibility is as follows:

Enumeration reducibility

In computablity theory and computational complexity theory, enumeration reducibility is a method of reduction that determines if there is some effective procedure for determining enumerability between sets of natural numbers. An enumeration in the context of e-reducibility is a listing of the elements in a particular set, or collection of items, though not necessarily ordered or complete. According to Hartley Rogers Jr., an intuitive model that can be used to explain e-reducibility is as follows: