Eotvos (unit)

The eotvos is a unit of acceleration divided by distance that was used in conjunction with the older centimetre–gram–second system of units (cgs). The eotvos is defined as 10−9 galileos per centimetre. The symbol of the eotvos unit is E. In SI units or in cgs units, 1 eotvos = 10−9 second−2. The eotvos unit is named for the physicist Loránd Eötvös, who made pioneering studies of the gradient of the Earth's gravitational field.

Eotvos (unit)

The eotvos is a unit of acceleration divided by distance that was used in conjunction with the older centimetre–gram–second system of units (cgs). The eotvos is defined as 10−9 galileos per centimetre. The symbol of the eotvos unit is E. In SI units or in cgs units, 1 eotvos = 10−9 second−2. The eotvos unit is named for the physicist Loránd Eötvös, who made pioneering studies of the gradient of the Earth's gravitational field.